
Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Policy Plan 2022


Policy Plan 2022
Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok

Board: Mw. J. du Bois-Minholts, president

Mw. L.M. Kuijer, secretary

Mw. R. van der Kroef, treasurer



Email address:

Bank : NL06TRIO 0391025457

Address: Jensemaheerd 147, 9736CK Groningen, The Netherlands

Postal address : Postbus 1485, 9701 BL Groningen, The Netherlands

Telephone: + 31 654786602

RSIN: 8555.41.143

The project in numbers

Tested in 2015


Qualified in group A


Group A (adjusted¹) by 2021


Admitted  2015/2016


Admitted 2016/2017


Admitted 2017/2018


Admitted 2018/2019


Admitted 2019/2020


Total admitted by December 2020


Still awaiting admittance group A


Graduates 2016


Graduates 2017


Graduates 2018


Graduated 2019


Graduated 2020


Graduated 2021


De facto graduated by end 2020


Expected graduates 2022

1  or 2

Total graduates by 2021


Expected graduate by 2022

1 or 2

Total to be graduated by 2022/3


Group B 2015 (not all qualified)


Group B adjusted by final 2018
















¹ Due to migration, death, illness, not yet finished secondary school, study does not fit in our goals

Who, what, where, how?

A.      Our general goal is to fund as of 2015 during 5 years, the vocational schooling of maximum 10 students per year. We decided to keep up our program in the academic year 2021/22 for those students that are already in. This concerns – due to delays because of the pandemic, riots and the earthquake – still 2 students. By the end of 2022 1 or both of them will be graduated.

B.      We discovered that in spite of the good diploma’s they acquired our students do not find regular jobs, and for that reason we extended our goal by 2020 to help our graduates to a job, preferably by founding 1 or more small businesses in which they can become partners or workers.

C.      Funding is mainly found in our personal social network. Though we would be grateful to find also institutionalized sponsors (like schools and enterprises) that are willing to financially adopt one or more students, or to invest in certain small enterprises, it appears that this is very difficult. We tried this several times, but failed so far. Of course we will grab any opportunity to broaden our financial basis, and we will keep on looking for this kind of sponsors, but on the other hand we have to be realistic about on what we spend our limited time and energy. So in the first place we focus on keeping those sponsors we have.

D.     We want to help our graduates to become self employed, which we consider with our actual knowledge of Haitian society the only way for them to create a perspective to a more or less regular income and independency. We want to concentrate this to 1 or more small businesses, for which the initiative has to come from themselves with our help. We can help them to find sponsors, loans and (micro-) credits for their project. The plan should be

1.      realistic (taking into account Haitian possibilities and limitations),

2.      it should be based on some kind of a marketing research to convince sponsors of its future creditworthiness,

3.      it should preferably use skills they acquired during their training and

4.      it should lead to some sort of regular income.

We will advise and train them in the development process and try to find sponsors and/or (micro-) credits.

The first startup, a cybercafé, took off in 2020 and functions as our pilot in order to learn how to start a small business in Haiti. Some of our sponsors already committed themselves to this new branch of our project.

Since in 2021 one of our students graduated in business administration, we offered him a traineeship to be our representative on the spot and to become our companion once we can launch the next small business(es).

E.      In order to make this aforementioned transition we must adjust the goals of our foundation in the coming year. The intention was to realize that in 2021, but as all our activities have been delayed,  this one has suffered the same fate. We will work on it again in 2022. The change will include a formulation like: “The Foundation not only aims to offer young people from Ile a Vache vocational training,  but also to do everything (in the material sense and immaterially) that will be helpful to enable them to earn a reasonable income with their acquired skills and become independent in due time.” The intention is to make this transition again work during 5 years.

Objectives 2022

Ø Objective in 2022 is to continue with the 2 remaining students from Kay-Kok, Ile a Vache to their vocational training courses in the city of Les Cayes. We hope they will be able to graduate in 2022. Finances for this are available.

Ø By this the educational part of our program will come to an end in 2022.

Since helping young people of Ile a Vache to establish a basis of regular income has been the underlying intention from the start of our program, instead of financing more young people to get a diploma with no perspective on work, we start now to help the ones we invested already in to become independent.

Ø  As to the housing: we cover the expenses of our 2 remaining students (both found a place themselves).

Ø  From the inventory between our (16) graduates in 2021 it appeared that the majority has not found a fixed income. Some have migrated to Chili and the Dominican Republic, but that has not basically made a difference in their economical situation. 6 Of these students have informed us they are interested to set up a small enterprise of their own.  

Ø  To prepare for the set up of more startups and to adjust the official goal of our Foundation in this direction.

Ø  To develop in close cooperation with our trainee, Ubain Pierre, the business plan he has written already and to set up a startup that is connected to the building and construction branch, that will have the potential to expand in due time and to offer work and income to several of our graduates. Ubain is supposed to set up this business, to train the graduates that will become partners or employees in the business and to become the leader of the project. As soon as possible he is supposed to earn his living  from the enterprise.

Ø  Once the abovementioned startup is up and running we (in close cooperation with Ubain Pierre) will explore the possibilities to set up another startup, preferably aimed to offer work to our young female graduates.

Ø  To find more investors in our second startup and to develop this in such a direction that it might lead to more startups, for the remaining graduates. The financing of the project(s) will be a mix of investment by our Foundation en loans from the Foundation. Once the loans start to be repaid, this money can be used for new startups.   

Ø  Work out a new way of cooperation with our new local collaborator in the educational part, Bithovens St Firmin, who is also part of our first startup, the cybercafé. In the second place we have to establish our new cooperation with our trainee Ubain Pierre, soon to become our collaborator in the startup branch of our project.

For the academic year 2021/22, we have available + € 11000,-- from donations, of which by December 2021 we spent around € 6500,--. The biggest part of this money has gone to the second startup. Since it is not entirely clear so far how much delay our 2 students have encountered the last 2 years, we cannot precisely foretell how many month they will need before graduation. The main costs will be their graduations (estimated to be $ 500 per person) and their monthly money for food and drinks ($60 per person). In total this will not exceed $ 1720, which money is available.

In 2021 we postponed our call for contributions, because we first wanted to be able to present more concrete plans to our sponsors. Nevertheless we were glad that we already received several donations and we will continue in 2022 to contact our regular sponsors for their yearly contribution.  And we will try to find some bigger sponsors to invest in our startups. We aim to collect an amount of US$ 10.000 – 15.000 all together, meaning that we have to find $ 6000 on top of our usual donations.

Remuneration policy continued
The Board nor any other person in any way involved in the Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok receives remuneration or compensation for their work from the funds of the foundation. Our onsite collaborator or his representative receives for his work nor a reward or compensation of the Foundation (see also under "our local collaborator” in the Annual Report). He only gets $ 15,-- per month to cover the costs of data credit in order to keep up regular and intensive communication with us.

We have a private financial arrangement with our local collaborator Bithovens St firmin. This is organised entirely outside of the budget of the Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok and is supposed to be replaced by the income he will get from the cybercafé.   

There is at this moment 1 exception on this rule. We have now, for a limited period of time our trainee, who we pay a modest amount for his services so that he can spent all his time to our project. The intention is that he will be able to make an income from the startup very soon.

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