
Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Policy Plan 2017

Below we describe the policy for the year 2017 of the Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok. The soon to be published annual report and the financial report will be made accountable for the activities and finances of the Foundation in the year 2016.

Target in 2017 is to send this year once more between 5 and 10 young people from Kay-Kok, Ile a Vache (Haiti) to vocational training in Les Cayes. We also want to raise sufficient funds for the academic year 2017/2018 to enable at least as much as in 2016/2017, or even more students to attend to a vocational training of their choice.
Although we have gained some experience, both with the collection of funds and organizing schooling, housing, school supplies and food, Haiti continues to confront us with surprises. The project should therefore always be carried out with creativity and flexibility.
Firstly, we must ensure that the benefits continue to cover the costs and secondly it should be avoided that we end up with insufficient funds to bear the cost of the students attending the schools with our support.

Who, what, where, how?
Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok offers a (by our local cooperator) selected group of students the opportunity to follow 1- or 2-year vocational training to the relevant vocational (MBO-like) schools in Les Cayes.
In the period January-May 2015 98 candidates have been screened. Based on the conducted tests and interviews we continued to have a group of 14 appropriately qualified and motivated people among whom we draw lots to determine the order of candidates that we will - depending on the available resources - help with their studies. In September 2015 the first six people were able to start their studies. Of them in June 2016 3 graduated and 3 continue their studies with a second year as of September 2016. And three new people started their studies. It is expected that of these six students in the academic year 2016/2017 in June 2017 4 will graduate. A couple will start a second year in September 2017. In the group of best-qualified from the test 5 people are still to waiting to start their studies. If we will be successful to collect again sufficient funds in 2017, these five by then start their study. If more funding will become available, we can supplement these 5 to a maximum of 8 (the amount that will form with the 2 who will complete their second year, the maximum of 10 available places) with the best from the second group from the tests. Thus there will be no need to organize a new round of testing in early 2017.

To ensure the continuity of the project actively fundraising will be continued again this year. Acquiring the ANBI status can be a helpful tool.
For the academic year 2016/2017 we were very grateful to find a major sponsor in a Swiss couple, who have found the resources within their own circle to allow 3 students to study. Also for the second year of these students they collected the money. They were joined by another (Dutch) couple being responsible for the funds to help about 1
student. They will continue their funding the years to come.
Efforts are continuously taken to expand the sponsor circle. The goal is to collect an amount of € 5,400, through the focused approach of individual supporters/sponsors (small businesses, Dutch schools and individuals). This amount should be sufficient to cover the tuition for three students in the school year 2017/2018. In order to achieve this, we sought continuously contacts with potential sponsors. So far it appears very difficult to recruit schools and businesses as spnsors, while attracting private lenders is going well. As individuals on average give a smaller amount than companies, this form of fundraising is less efficient. Recruiting schools proves particularly troublesome. But in 2017 we will try again to get along at least one school. It would be nice if we could find a school (preferably a ROC), that by organizing a fundraising by the students themselves to get the money that enables them to finance one student in Haiti.

What expenses are eligible?
For selected students
1. The study will be paid
2. Accommodation costs are being paid
3. To the amount our finances permit allowances are provided to cover the costs of subsistence.
4. The necessary school supplies (tools, books, other materials) insofar as it fits within our budget, are being reimbursed.
The choices will be made in this order. Of course we will to our best ability try to mobilize resources for the subsistence costs(3) and for school supplies(4). In a city like Les Cayes is food expensive. Because as compared to the Netherlands part-time jobs for students are not available (all available jobs are already filled by breadwinners), students are totally dependent on our financial aid.
If students find housing (with family) on their own accord, the guest house receives an expense allowance. Rooms are rented for the remaining students. We are obliged to rent separate accommodation for women and men. Because usually they sleep in double beds, it is most effective to send them as much as possible in couples (two by two).

After the Christmas holidays there will be an evaluation of academic performance of all students. At the end of the school year some of the students will be able to complete the study, and another part will continue for a second year. Their study results will be closely monitored to determine whether they are eligible for a second year study aid. Our collaborator on site also will get into contact with the school management for consultations if required.
In addition to monitoring, we strive to publish a short message from the students a couple of times a year, to enable our sponsors to stay informed about the students supported by them. Upon their graduation, we ask the students to write a thank you letter.

Our local collaborator
Our collaborator Nickenson St Firmin is from Ile a Vache, lives in the village Kay-Kok and he is 25 years of age. Through modern media (email, whatsapp, internet banking), we work closely together despite geographical distance. He is well acquainted with the various training opportunities in the city of Les Cayes and also knows the way of finding housing, school supplies etcetera and Nickenson maintains close contact with the students, exchanges of information between them and the Foundation and the sponsors, and he establishes contact with the school boards, if there are any problems that we get knowledge of.
It is explicitly not the intention that he will be financed from the project, but privately we have set up a separate facility for him.

For the academic year 2016/17, we have (in December 2016) available + € 10 000, - from donations. Based on our experiences so far the cost per person per year should be set on $ 1800, -. The expenditures for the academic year 2016/2017 are thus substantially covered.
The costs per person per year in the mean time have become much clearer, although in practice there emerge additional costs that vary significantly for every discipline. As the material for the course of beautician should be counted around $ 450, - for technical training the purchase of tools emerge around $ 250, -. This amount does not involve the purchase of a generator, which was asked for as well. This could then be used by several students, but costs $ 650, - seem very high. Moreover, the question of what happens with the device after graduation. For the time being we decided not to buy this. It will be examined whether to cover costs like these, specific funds are eligible. In the school year 2016-2017 an average of $ 350,- for each person has been spent.
The school fees for the six students amount for the course 2016/2017 + € 1700, -. It has been found that in most cases, the school fees are the second year come out higher than those of the first year of the same program. For the academic year 2016/2017 there has been made a choice for another school for technical training, because this school offers more different training courses and is higher valued than the school we used the year before. However, the fees for this school more expensive.
It has been found that in order to receive a diploma at graduation per person $ 100, - has to be paid in addition to the school fee.
We have rented a house where during the academic year of 2016/2017 4 boys live, rent $ 1000, - per year and $ 10 of electricity monthly. The furnishing was mostly already paid for in the academic year 2015/2016. For the only female student of this year we rented a separate living space, the cost thereof, including furnishing being $ 800, -. It seems more cost-effective to rent accommodation for two persons of the same sex at the same time, because usually slept in double beds.
The remuneration to the boarding houses (mostly family) of the students who found a shelter on their own accord is € 150, - pp / py.
To these may be added the monthly cost of food and drink. This amount is determined on the basis of what remains after deduction of other expenses. The aim is to pay every sudent € 60, - a month.
As a result of the destruction of the crop by hurricane Matthew (October 2016) will likely further increase the cost of food in 2017. If needed and as long as we have the resources for that, we try to give some extra money for this.
Depending on the exchange rate between euro and dollar we can pay the transaction costs (mostly) out the price difference if we take the costs incurred in Haiti payable in US $ while calculating for our own administration in euros (transaction costs approximately € 25,- per 1000) , although the margins on this point with the fall in the value of the euro against the dollar are shrinking.

Remuneration policy
The Board nor any other person in any way involved in the Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok receives remuneration or compensation for their work from the funds of the foundation. Our onsite collaborator receives for his work nor a reward or compensation of the Foundation (see also under "our local contact”). He does have access to a small amount of cash (max. 5% of the budget) to cover common administrative and similar costs.

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