
Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Update Matthew on Ile a Vache

Preliminary report about the damage and the losses because of hurricane Matthew

Impact - Ile a Vache Civil Defence report as of Thursday 6th October


People in emergency shelters:
Men 137, Women 194, Children 229. Total = 560

Families impacted on Ile a Vache and surrounding islands 2093
Houses levelled 312
Houses damaged 860
Houses flooded 225
Small grass houses destroyed 127

Livelihoods/Food security

Fishing materials lost
Nets 123
Nast (lobster pots) 3135
Lines 9
Dugout boats 59
Sailboats 76
Commerce lost 

42 businesses lost stock
Gardens destroyed – 1653
Animals killed 820


Churches damaged 7
Churches destroyed 9
Schools damaged 3
Schools destroyed 6
Public squares destroyed 2
Public squares damaged 7

There are at least 2 organizations organizing and realizing direct help for the islanders:  &
Both of them ask for donations for immediate relief activities.

Our own Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok will concentrate on the students in our programme, to help them to return to school as soon as schools will be opening up again in Les Cayes. The money we have already collected and that we still might collect as earmarked being aimed for help to the victims of Matthew, will be used for this goal (which is in line with the main goal of our foundation).

Monday, 10 October 2016

Call for help

We just received pictures form our friend and collaborator Nickenson St firmin in Ile a Vache. We see here the damage Matthew did to the house of his family. He told us the supplies that are being brought to the island are far from enough to feed the hungry population. Since the crops are destroyed aid to buy food and water will be necessary for a long time to come. 
Nickenson informed us that the students we support are safe, but also that their houses are destroyed and possessions are damaged. 
So we ask you to help us financially in order to make it possible to sustain these families in the near future and to prepare the students to return to school as soon as school will open again.
Our bankaccount still is: Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok :
NL06 TRIO 0391025457

The first transports with supplies arrived on Ile a Vache and in Kay-Kok

Donations have reached "Kay Kok" this afternoon thanks to the hard work of my friends Ismael Pierre and Weldy Altema along with others which have helped us tremendously with obtaining and transporting supplies. It is with great pleasure that we are doing what we can to help the people of "île à vache". Today supplies will be given to the villagers and more help is on the way. Again thank you to those of you that are making this possible.
Continue donating at via paypal. Thank you
#LetsGoHaiti #Matthew25Ministries #GiveBack

Friday, 7 October 2016

First messages and pictures from Ile a Vache after Matthew

Update from Ile-a-Vache (5-10-2016)

Patrick Lucien spoke with the mayor this morning. What they need urgently are food, water, toiletries and equipment to start cleaning up debris. To expedite the process, you can send fund directly via Western Union or Moneygram, he has someone who can receive the money and start buying everything in Les Cayes. Please email, who will share the name of the recipient.
The mayor will then keep track of the expenses and send us back a report. He thinks by 6-10-2016, boats will be able to make the trip to Les Cayes. Later, donations could be sent through the  organization at They encourage you to continue supporting this beautiful community.
By 11:00 am 6-10-2016 the mayor will meet with members of the Civil Protection to start an assessment of the damage caused by the hurricane and will write up a report. His plan is to have a team in each of those locations: Madame Bernard, Kaikok and Baleraz to start distribution and then expand in other locations later.

Update from Mayor Amazan, Ile-a-Vache (5-10-2016)

Patrick Lucien spoke with mayor Amazan, he said all he can conclude is that Ile-a-Vache is completely destroyed. He cannot give a complete evaluation of the situation but every home in his neighbourhood, including his own, is damaged. Most roofs are gone.
This weather has been hitting them hard for the past 3 days, therefore people are running out of food. The local re-sellers are running out and would probably keep what they have for their fam
ily. He is hosting a bunch of people at home and had to borrow money to feed them and he too, is running out.

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Een nieuwe ramp voltrekt zich op dit moment in Haiti

Opnieuw wordt Haiti getroffen door een vreselijke ramp: de zware orkaan Matthew trekt recht over het land. Onze lieve vrienden op Ile a Vache (zie de gele pijl) maken op dit moment een vreselijke nachtmerrie door. Wij wensen hen alle sterkte