In Haiti the new scholastic year starts these days.
Together with our sponsors, we made once more a big effort to enable a new group of students to start their studies and the 'old' group to continue theirs. Our target was help the 3 second-year students to finish their education this year and to start up 3 new ones.
And although we were as yet not entirely successful to collect all necessary funding, the results are that promising that we could decide to send all 6 students to school.
In the name of these happy 6 we want to thank all contributors once more who helped us to make the dreams of these young people come true and we wish the students a successful scholastic year!
Peterson Dorestant, second year electricity |
Jeanel Jean, second year electricity |
Marie Legena Vital first year beautician |
Jean Julio Placid, first year refrigeration |
Jean Renold Placide, first year plumbery |
Hugues Joseph, second year masonry |