In these personal letters to all those who contributed to their education our 3 graduated students, Websterline, Marie Katiana and Jean Kenold express what our programme has meant for them

Dear friend!
It’s a great pleasure to write to you to thank you for everything you have done for me. Providing for your livelihood without a diploma is far from easy. Thanks to you I have had the opportunity to be educated as a secretary. I know very well that live isn’t easy, but thanks to what I have learned during this course it will be a lot easier for me to ameliorate my standard of living. Being able to participate in this project has been a blessing for me, because for me this was the one and only chance to prepare myself for a better living.
I wouldn’t know how to say thank you to all those who contributed to my education. I hope you understand what participating in this project has offered me. I want to express my sincere gratitude and may god bless you.
Best regards,
Websterline St firmin (graduated as secretary)

Good day to you!
Your help has meant so much for me, and I want to express my sincere gratitude for this gesture. Your assistance will make my quality of life in our community in Ile a Vache in general, and in Kay-Kok in particular, a lot better. Not everybody is offered such a opportunity.
I want to say thank you to all those that have contributed to my education. You may be convinced of my deepest feelings of gratefulness and respect.
Marie Katiana Vancol (graduated as secretary)

Today I feel proud that I was able to participate in the collective program for the community of Ile a Vache, that enables young people to learn a profession to struggle out of their situation of need, for without a profession life will become a hell for us youngsters. But thanks to your help that came to our island we have got the chance to change this difficult life in a better life.
Thanks to you we are now technicians, able to work to overcome the biggest obstacles in the worst moments of our lives.
I am very proud to thank you that you made technicians of us that are going to work in Ile a Vache to change the difficult circumstances of life in the island.
Thanks and another thousand fold thanks to our supporters, that god will give you strength, life and health. I wish that prosperity be your part,
I love you all sincerely,
Jean Kenold Alexandre (graduated as windows maker)