
Tuesday, 29 September 2015

The 'Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok' has been founded
We are very glad to be able to announce that on September 16th the Foundation "Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok" has been officially founded. The Foundation is established in Groningen, The Netherlands.
Our goal is: "To collect and make available financial means to enable adolescants from Kay-Kok, Ile a Vache, Haiti to follow professional education".
The board consists of 3 persons: Mrs. J. du Bois (chairperson), Mrs. R. van der Kroef (treasurer) and Mrs. L. Kuijer (secretary).
We are working now on getting an official bankacount as a Foundation, and to become recognized as a non-profit organization, according to the Dutch tax-laws.
We will publish in the weeks to come our policy plans.
In the mean time we are working hard to fulfill all procedures to start the education of 6 young people this month.