
Thursday, 10 December 2015

We proudly present the six students presently being educated in our program

This first semester of the course 2015/2016 we finally were able to help this group of 6 students to start their studies

Joseph Hugues (mason)
Katiana Vancol (administration)
Dorestant Peterson (electricity)
Websterline St firmin (administration)
Jean Kenold Alexandre (ICT)
Jean Jeanel (electricity)

We want to thank all our loyal sponsors sincerely for their contribution to this tremendous result.
And we hope we can count on all of you to help us to enable these six, promising young people to continue their studies in 2016 

Our new bankaccount is NL06TRIO 0391025457
from : Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok 

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

The 'Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok' has been founded
We are very glad to be able to announce that on September 16th the Foundation "Stichting Studiehulp Kay-Kok" has been officially founded. The Foundation is established in Groningen, The Netherlands.
Our goal is: "To collect and make available financial means to enable adolescants from Kay-Kok, Ile a Vache, Haiti to follow professional education".
The board consists of 3 persons: Mrs. J. du Bois (chairperson), Mrs. R. van der Kroef (treasurer) and Mrs. L. Kuijer (secretary).
We are working now on getting an official bankacount as a Foundation, and to become recognized as a non-profit organization, according to the Dutch tax-laws.
We will publish in the weeks to come our policy plans.
In the mean time we are working hard to fulfill all procedures to start the education of 6 young people this month.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

First students are ready to start

The first group of 6 or 7 students we selected by tests and interviews from the group of 27 who qualified in January, are ready to start their studies the coming semester.
To make this possible we had to change our plans slightly.
  • We will work autonomously and found our own Dutch Foundation, while a member of the Kaykok Foundation will become our expert advisor. This construction will enable us to work more directly and to apply in the Netherlands for the status of ANBI, by the fiscal authorities recognized non-profit organization. We still will profit from the knowledge and experience of the Kaykok Foundation via our advisor.
  • We will bring down the costs per student by financing the school fees for everybody but to look for housing with family and friends in Les Cayes, so that we have only to pay for the housing of those who do not have family or friends to stay with. And when we can afford it we will supply everybody with a small allowance for food
At this stage we still fail the money for the food-allowance for the students but we are optimistic to get this also done by the beginning of next semester. Any help is wellcome!

Friday, 26 June 2015

New computer for our project

The computer we provided in 2013 to our project representative Nickenson in Ile a Vache was breaking down. 
So here was a challenge because communication with Nickenson in Ile a Vache to organize things over there is very important. 
How to get another computer as cheap as possible in Ile a Vache?
With the help of Mark, who had a spare computer available, and who was willing to prepare it, and Ria, who had friends who would travel to Haiti and who were willing to take the computer with them by short notice, the operation was executed in about 1 month : 
computer found, prepared for Nickenson, transported to Ria, transported to Haiti, where Nickenson could pick it up.
We want to thank all those who were involved to make this possible!!!
So now we are working hard to make everything ready for the first group of students to start their courses 2015-2016!
Next post we will inform you about that.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Finding sponsors

What we want

We want to give, during a 5 years period of time annually at least 10 young inhabitants of Kaykok the opportunity to attend to a school of vocational education in the city of Les Cayes.

Les Cayes has got several well qualified schools.

Important to understand the project

While education in Haiti is not for free and because of lack of money many youngsters are not able to visit school every year. This is why the age at which people start their vocational schooling is higher than we are used to. The majority is between 20 en de 32 years of age when they finish their high school and are ready to start a vocational formation.  

All 98 young people from Kaykok that were interested in our program, we have

1.tested on their general knowledge and educational level

2.interviewed about their motivation

This has resulted in 23 qualified candidates

For them we now try to find financial support
Help somebody to a better future 

How great it would be, when you/your organization could be able to help one or more of these ambitious, motivated young people by attending to a well qualified vocational education to actively shape their own future. 
You could:

Adopt one or more students financially

Give an annual financial contribution  
      that will be used to (partially) finance the education of 
      a student of our choice

Give a unique financial contribution

Organize a fundraising activity  
       on behalf of our project

We invite you to ask us for further details or information
  • You will find more information about our project on former posts in this Blog
  • Or send us your email to find out which student you could finance:                                                           (every candidate introduces him/herself to you personally) 
  • More about the government plans about further development of Haiti and Ile a
  • More about the Kaykok FoundationKaikok Foundation

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Good news from Ile a Vache

We wish you all a happy and fulfilling 2015. We hope you will continue to sustain our project this year. We are heading to start to send students to the courses in the new school year (2015/2016). At this moment we will be able to finance 1 1/2 student. So much more money is needed to really make it all a success.
We count on you all to help us make our and their dream come true.

For our project the year started very promising: our coworkers on the island held a testing session to find out who of those who would like to participate in our program will be capable to really follow the courses we will offer them. 


We expected some 30 participants and it turned out that there came 98!!! At this  very moment we are busy to study the testing results and to interview the students-to-be. We will keep you informed as soon as we know more